On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the first day of school for all Paramus students, the Spartan Student-Athlete Leadership Team (S.A.L.T.) embarked on a very special inaugural event.
District News
There's a lot happening in our vibrant school district! We’ll include all the latest district news on this page. Make it your first stop when you visit our website to stay updated on all the latest.
Spartan S.A.L.T. Hosts Welcome to Paramus Day for Kindergarteners
Ridge Ranch Teachers Prep for the 2024–2025 School Year
Ridge Ranch Elementary teachers are excited to kick off this year’s school theme of teamwork!
Paramus Public Schools Announce New High School Principal
The Paramus Superintendent of Schools is pleased to announce the appointment of Dominick Miller as Paramus High School principal, succeeding retiring principal Raymond Kiem.
Paramus Dance Department Hosts Rockette
The Paramus dance department hosted a special guest in March. Rockette Kristen Welsh led a precision masterclass, teaching students a brand new routine choreographed to “Jump, Jive, an’ Wail.”